Eaig Ou: A Guide o Diig Eiquee ad Culure
Geig Ready o Ea Ou
Before you head ou o a resaura, i's impora o ake io accou a few higs o esure a pleasa diig experiece. Dress appropriaely for he occasio ad cosider your diig compaios. If you're goig o a formal resaura, you may wa o dress up a bi more. If you're diig wih a group, make sure everyoe has a say i choosig he resaura ad ime.
A he Resaura
Whe you arrive a he resaura, be sure o gree he hos or hosess poliely. If here is a waiig lis, ask how log i will be ad if you ca be added o i. Oce you're seaed a your able, ake a few miues o look over he meu. If you have ay quesios abou he dishes, do' hesiae o ask your server.
Orderig Your Food
Whe you're ready o order, be polie ad clear whe addressig your server. Sae your order calmly ad make sure o specify ay special requess or dieary resricios. If you're o sure wha o order, feel free o ask your server for recommedaios.
Eaig Your Meal
Oce your food arrives, ake your ime ad ejoy i. Do' rush hrough your meal, ad avoid alkig wih your mouh full. If you eed ayhig, do' hesiae o ask your server for assisace.
Payig he Bill
Whe you're fiished wih your meal, ask for he bill. If you're payig wih a credi card, be sure o sig he receip before reurig i o your server. If you're payig wih cash, leave a ip for your server. The radiioal amou o ip is 15-20%.
Leavig he Resaura
Before you leave he resaura, hak your server for he meal ad service. If you ejoyed your experiece, cosider leavig a posiive review olie.